Can you believe it? In less than a week, we will be embracing another new year, Year 2011! It may be just another year for some of you as it has been for many years for me before, but this year, I am adamant to make some changes in my life.
This year, I have a lot to change. I have got so much to do, so much to achieve, I am bursting with excitement! This is my 2011 resolutions, and this is what I am going to achieve! (Ok, what I PLAN to achieve, that is. :D)
1. I am going to LOSE WEIGHT.
It SUCKS (SO BAD!) not being able to fit into the nice tops and outfits like I could last time. It sucks even MORE when you see there are MANY HOT MOMS out there that could still strut glamorously in their stylish stilettos and clothes while carrying their baby in one hand without losing their glamour.
I WANT to be THAT kind of a mom, not just because it will boost my confidence, but it is also a healthy lifestyle that EVERYONE should live with. That is why, I am going to make myself lose that darn 10kgs and get back my pre-pregnancy weight, if that's the last thing I would do! I am aiming to lose 1-2 kgs every month and I am giving myself 6 months to achieve it. I have actually already started working on it, and it's showing a
really good progress so far. Let's just hope it stays that way for a very long time! :D
2. I am going to have an EXTERIOR MAKEOVER.

I love fashion & beauty. Truly. But ever since I had Aydein in my life, I just couldn't be bothered. Heck, I don't even care going out without a single dash of makeup on! But that's going to change. Although makeup is not necessary because my husband likes me "natural" the way I am, I still want to be more presentable, more in touch with my feminine side.
3 things I want to do :
1. Get my hair done.
It's been a long time since I did anything to my hair, so that's going to change.
2. Get colored lenses.
Simply because your eyes will look bigger, and more
cantik when you have contact lenses on! I am going for either hazel brown or grey, whichever suits me better. Maybe even both! :D
3. Get new tops, shoes and outfits.
I am sick of wearing the same baju over and over so I am going to get some new tops (and shoes, and outfits) to go with the new me!
3. I am going to have an INTERIOR MAKEOVER.
Praise to Allah, I am blessed to have the family that I have now, at such young age. I am only 25 (26 next year), and already I am blessed with an understanding husband, a smart son, and 2 supportive families.
3 things I want to do :
1. Better wife to Aien
Unfortunately, I am a very opinionated person (since I was little!) so I tend to argue at anything that doesn't seem right to me. However insyaallah, I will try my best to listen more, and give in more. O Allah, please grant me all the strength and patience in the world to do just this!
2. Better mother to Aydein
I try, but somehow I have a feeling that I haven't given Aydein enough. Being a working mom that I am, I don't get to spend that much of quality time with him that a mom should. I need to find time, I must find time.
3. Better daughter to my parents and PILs
My parents have been complaining that I haven't been calling them much. Again, it all comes back to time. But that shouldn't be an excuse. Everybody is busy, but they still find time to call their parents every once a week, no? Again, I need to find time, I
must find time.
4. I am going to work on getting my income raised
Easier said than done, but seriously, I am going to make sure I earn more than I did this year, no matter what it takes. How to live a comfortable life without that extra $$ kan?
5. I am going to start my own business
I have been dreaming to set up my own business for some time now. There are 2, 3 ideas that's playing in my mind, but now isn't the right time for me to execute it. When and if I finally launch it, you will be the first to know!
So those are my 5 resolutions for the year 2011 that I hope to achieve. Some say you shouldn't have resolutions, because resolutions are bullpoop. But I say it's better to have resolutions and fail after trying, than not having any and fail without even trying!
As George Bernard Shaw said "Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything". :)
Have a brilliant start to the year, everyone!