So I tossed and turned, tossed and turned, and finally, landed on my favorite spot that made me dozed off immediately!
Guess where it was?

Yeap, none other than on mama's comfy armpit! :D
Err, does this look like the classic malay saying, "di bawah ketiak mak" to you? You tell me! But one thing for sure, I know I'm such a mama's boy! :P
Awwwwwwh. :)
Tak lenguh ke Mama Aydein? Hihi..
Faaz bila restless, comfy pillow dia is my tummy. Agaknye he missed masa duk dlm perut I dolu kot. :)
nadine :
hehe lenguh juge! tapi i layankan aje, tak sampai hati nak kejutkan dia. :P last2 dia sendiri yang rolled over onto his mattress. :)
ooh faaz mummy's tummy misti solid! tu yang faaz suka tu! tak wobbly wobbly mcm aydein mummy's tummy! :P
u r rite, tang situ laa anak senang nak tido. cepat2 dukung cepatla dia tido, cepat2 leh rehat....
comel gile! klu i dokong ltk je pale kat bahu i...trus tdo.
sbb i ltk ubt batuk ats bahu. ekeke *joking*
thats so sweet~~~
i love it too when the kids snuggles to smell their hair and head. but not sure if they love the smell of mama's armpit..haha!
Hihi.. cuteness!!! Tell u, Sampai besarla Aydein cari bau ketiak u nanti. hahaha..
there's a few time when Oman slept with us on our bed instead in his cot.. favourite spot dia? xde..sebab dia laaaaasaaaakkk.. hahaha. But paling i pasti, cara tido Oman sebijik dadda dia... dadda atas katil, oman dalam cot, their move, cara mengiring.. sebijik!! :)
matjoe :
hello there :) yeah betol. lately ni makin kerap pulak dia nak tido dkt situ. hehehe.
bintie :
kan! hahaha. its so funny la tapi. dulu ingatkan peribahasa melayu tu, just ckp org2 tua je. bila dah jadik sendirik, baru tau! :P
life songs :
it really is! :)
zurin :
hey there! nice to see u here :) a'ah tu lah. i pon tersentuh juge when it happened that night. :) err babe, i think kan, it's our body smell lah! it doesnt necessarily be bad odor, it could be sweet smelling too, or original, however u wanna put it :P tp i think that makes our babies love to snuggle close to us! kan! tapi ketiak mama is the greatest lah kan! hahaha :P
nuurill :
hahaha. kalau aydein carik ketiak mama sampai besa, susah i nanti, you. jealous bini dia nanti! :P
ye ke u! that is so sweet! like father like son eh? ooh oman suka tido mengiring ke u?
Thara, Oman tido banyak position. mengiring paling selesala kot kat dia. Sama cam dadda dia. Tapi kdg2.. bila i bangun Subuh tu, ade gak dia tido terlentang, kaki kangkang lagi. Hahahahahah
hehehe..Aydein sgt commey..nyenyak dia tido bwh ketiak mama dia..;)
kalau Adam..mana lagi kalau tak tepi my B..
sepnjg mlm..tak kan hilang Adam jauh dr pandangan I..mcm magnet melekat..
bila dah tengah mlm baru lah dia tawaf pusing2 satu katil..mmg buas jgak lah dia tido ;)
ehehe. sama lah mcm nawal. guling2 1 toto alih2 kat ketiak ummi jgk dia nak tido.
sbb itulah kalau kita takde dia mcm tercari2, dia cari bau ketiak mama dia lah. haha
Thara.. nape comment i tak appear ek? you delete ekk?? sampai hati!
Anyway, comment balik la.. hehhe
Ada kejadian kelakar disebalik tido bawah ketiak ni..usually imran's head would be the same level as my shoulder when he sleeps.. so bila i angkat tangan nak raba dia.. senang jumpa.. there's this one night.. i angkat tgn cam biasalah.. but he wasn't there.. i bangun in horror igtkan imran terjatuh katil lagi.. rupa2nya he was sleeping soundly bawah ketiak i and glued to my body.. i igtkan batal.. rupany2a die.. hahah..
Anyway, i think the saying is so true sbb a few times imran tido lena bawak ketiak i.. so mommies, make sure pakai deodorant even masa nak tido so our children tidak sesak nafas yeaaa... hahaha
nuurill :
hahaha i see! sama lah anak bujang i tu! cuma lately ni i perasan die kerap pulak nak landing dkt my armpit for comfort haha :P pelik sungguh si tecik tu. :P
nadia :
hahaha. tegelak gelak i sorang bile baca ur comment ni! i can imagine how a mother's feeling when the baby just wont let the b go! dok melekat aje sampai kita pon rasa sengal badan psl asek lay on one side je kan? hehe. eh have u tried pacifier? mane tau kot adam ni mmg jenis yg suke menyot-nyot kan. maybe it can help!
k riena :
hahaha kan! we smell too good kot, tu yang they derang addicted dgn kita tu! :P
anne :
eh tak lah babe! i didnt receive any pon :(
hahaha thats so funny! but im sure lepas u sedar dia dkt bwh ketiak u masa tu, u rasa mcm, so touched kan? i dont know abt u, tapi i rasa mcm so touched psl rasa mcm, awwww our ketiak is his solace! :P
hahaha! okeh, akan ku sental lady speed stick itu berlayer-layer starting tonite onwards! :P
hehehe....cutenye aydein...
bau badan mama jgk yg die cr.wangi kott.heheheeh
esya gitu la skrg ni ketiak abi la yg jadi mangsa.hehehe.esya is abi's girl so die "di bawah ketiak abi".hehehe.dina sm cam adam...melekat jer kt umi punyer B.biler kenyang die guling2 sndri then burp then tido.
psst:asyik aydein jer duk berkepit ngn mama....papa ktner??kesian kt papa.hahahaha (juz kidding).
awww... mama's boy yea aydein hehe..
athirah pun sama, suka that same spot (sbb mine is so gebu kot ;p hihi) plus suka masukkan tangan dia dlm sleeves i. motif? mau bau ketiak mommy kah? hihii ;p
u, I dah try bg dummy time Adam around 4months plus..mmg lena tdo I time 8mnths++,he can feel the dummy is not the ori one..u know tgh2 mlm i sumbat dia boleh baling sekuat hati dia kat pintu tau!
t'kejjut I..after that terus tknk..;)
irradhil :
awww bagos la ur kids. fair and square. sorang anak mak, sorang anak bapak! hehe :P
ps : haha tu lah selalu papa dah jadik no.2 in mama's life since aydein came along! hahaha.
pinkerton :
hahaha ur baby's so cheeky! aydein belom pandai selok tangan dlm my baju! tapi dia pandai tarik baju i and peek inside to search for my youknowwhats! :P
nadia :
hahaha! adam is so smart! aydein pon sejak kecik tak bole nak accept pacifier u. lagi ngamok lagi adelah! derang bole feel the difference kan. hehe. takpelah nadia. uve gone this far, just a few months more to go! ;)
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