Tsk tsk.
Anyhow, have you ever heard of sleepthinking?
You see, I am an avid reader of Irin Putri's blog. Yes, the TV3 reporter (come) TV3 host (come) mummy to a baby boy Raees Aryan.
One of her entry last week caught my attention. She captured a picture of her baby.. sleepthinking! I can't help but to feel excited because believe it or not, I had a picture of Aydein with the exact same pose when he was 6 or 7 months old!

I still remember the night when I snapped it. I squealed at my husband, "Yang! Tengok! Comel kan! Heheheee!"
But really, it's just so funny and adorable to look at him sleep in that way! :) Sighs. Babies. They just don't stop mesmerizing us kan. :)
haha..so skrang still sleepwalking lagik ker Thara..
karang jatuh tangga susah plak ur hubby..:)
tergelak tgk gmbr Aydein..chomelss!!
I got one..but that time Adam br 3days..dah mike anak mommy rupe2nye..
comel..i tgk aydein dlm pic ni, trus terbayang watak dak kecik dlm ct the incredibles. tp x tau nm die pe...ekeke.
P/s. aydein, klu aydein pk cane nk cr duit time tdo, bkn skrg msnye...skrg ni, bio mama & papa aydein je cr det...aydein just dok berjimba je tau! ahaha.
haha! kelakar!
mcm2 gaya bebudak nih tido. yg anak dara tuh bersujud, yg anak teruna ni memikir.
nadia :
hahaha naseb baik tak lagi dah nadia! ngigau pukul my hubs skali penah! hahaha. sian my hubs, tak masal je kene. :P
ye keee. post la share dgn kitorang semua! kita sama2 buat post sleepthinking! haha misti chomelskan adam dlm pic tu. :D
bintie :
ooh hahaha! yang baby tu kan! peh hebat betol imaginasi u bintie! :P
ps : kak bintie, aydein bukan pk camne nak carik duit lah. aydein tgh pk camne nak tackle anak linda jasmine & que haidar tu. cun ok! :D
kak riena :
haha tu la kan kak riena! mcm2 budak2 ni. lepasni kita tunggu aksi tido kuak lentang pulak! :P
Haha..sebijik posing dia! Cuteness!
uhhh..sgt comel Aydein sleepthinking! apa la dia tgh fikir masa tido tu kan?
selalunya yg sleepwalking ni lelaki kan? perempuan jarang huspa dengar. kira Thara is the 1st one la. heheheh...lawak pon ade. make sure u jgn bite ur son masa tido tau...
irin : sebijik kan! i told u! :D
huspa : hehe tu la huspa. mungkin tgh pikir camane nak tackle awek kot. heee.
huh ye ke? adakah i ada XY choromosome dlm diri i? haha. itu tak berapa pasti. tapi yang pastinya insyaallah i takkan gigit aydein dlm tidur lah haha! :P
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