It first started a few months back, late June to be exact -- just a few months after he started creeping and crawling. I watched proudly as he took his first few steps before toppling over. Then he gained a new skill by standing up by his own. He would bend over, balance himself with both of his hands on the floor, then push himself up straight. Aien and I would then clap and cheer for him, which he would gladly respond by clapping happily along.
I am guessing however, that crawling is faster for him compared to walking. That is why he would continue to crawl and refused to walk much after that although he should already be a pro walker by now.
During Raya however, things changed. He began to walk a lot and further, in fact. And last night, he made all of us proud again by walking a whole lot more! He was enjoying his new ability, that each time he fell, he pushed himself back up again, and continued walking -- more and more!
And although it is hard for our hearts to accept it, that's when we knew, our baby is not a baby anymore. :)
mst aydein pon rs syok...sbb dh bley gune kaki die utk jln. ahaha. cr jln pon dh npk...ekeke.
btw, thara...carpet tu yg x bley tarik bulu die kn? (hope u know what I mean :p)
yeyeyey!! bravo Aydein.
Thara i remember one time u said u are envied to see us chasing our son kan kan? hahahaha... your turn sudah tiba ok. :)
lepas ni dia main kejar kejar pulak dengan u.. oh my.. most of the time, he wants you to chase him sambil jerit-jerit suruh dia slow down. ahaks! :)
yay aydein!
sigh yes sometimes its hard to believe they're not very little babies any longer..
Welcome to the Walkers Club Aydein!
And welcome to the Chasing the Active Toddler club Thara!
Now he can walk.. try to probe him walking more than dukung.. my maid suka dukung imran causing him to still walk like a bear.. so now bila i nampak sesiapa dukung imran.. i mesti bising.. tp bila lepaskan die jalan sendiri.. habis semua tempat die jalan tau.. huu huu.. but it's a fun experience :)
hurray for Aydein!!
yeha Aydein!!
dah bole jalan..yeay!
babe.. can see how excited u are..
lepas ni, syok lah boleh main kejar2 ngan Aydein..betul mcm Anne ckp, Adam pun jalan tak stabil lagik..asyik clumsy, jatuh..
we all selalu dukung dia specially kalau pergi shopp' complex..tak larat nak kejar, specially jalan dia selalu betentangan arah kita nak pergi..pening u!
btw, I miss alot of ur story..keep us updating..bila nak update cita raye?Aydien mesti hensem in baju melayu kan??
atau dah update I tak sedar..hohooho..
congrats aydein!! u finally made it *clap!* *clap!* =)
mesti mama aydein bangga n lega kan? well, thara bersediala utk sama2 tour the house with aydein! ;)
bila baca comment anne and nadia, I rasa ade betulnya what they said. one of the factor made faaz jalan stable cpt sbb kitaorg mmg jarang dukung dia once dia start jalan. bkn sbb kitaorg yg taknak, si kecik tu yg refuse. sonok dpt kaki la katakan :))
wahh...aydein dh leh jln.congrats!!!
same goes here...dina at 10mths old dh leh jln.huhuhu.rs kejap jer die jd baby.pdhl xsampai 1yrs old pn lg.sob..sob..
tp dina ni lain skit....die malu2 kucing.kalu dpn org rmai die xnk jln.asik nk dukung jer.tp sllnyer biler dh nk blk br mesra alam skit.heheheeh
selamat berkejaran ngn aydein.beware of stairs....slippy carpet n so on.sbb bdk2 bile dh excited nk jln dh xnmpk sumer benda tu.main langgar jer.hehehe
wahh~!! syabas aydein!
alaa...time kita jumpa aritu aydein tak tunjuk skill lg, kalau tak boleh sama2 jalan dgn nawal kat luar rumah aunty royd, tak pun sama2 sepahkan rumah dia. hahahaha!
ya la tiqah, nak tgk gambar raya aydein. dan gambar dia dgn nawal hari tu.
waa dah bleh jalan! caya lah aydein!
bintie :
hehe yeah, he's so excited with his new skill! :) err, ade ke carpet yang bulu bole tercabut? :| confuse ni!
nuurill :
yes babe! finally, my time dah tibaaaa! lepasni aydein dah bole men kejar2 dgn oman, imran & adam weeee! :D tapi i rasa confirm aydein kene tinggal punyelah. pasal jalan dia belom stabil. kadang2 terjatuh juge :P
i cant wait for him to kejar me! :D
babybooned :
kan! i'll bet u know better, nak nak lagi ada not-so-baby boy like gib yang petah berckp tu! :) u know, i secretly wish that aydein would grow up to be as smart as gib! ;)
anne :
hey, thats a good advice! will definitely keep it in mind. u know, the thing is, aydein ni dia nak jalan ikut mood dia. kalau time dia tanak jalan ni, he would actually lift up both of his legs and wouldnt let them touch the floors if we try to make him walk tau! suke hati je budak ni tau. agak2 lambat je, teros dia on all fours again! but he's getting better at walking though! practice definitely makes perfect! :)
atieqa :
thanks! :)
nadia :
yeay! aydein dah bole join adam oman and imran dah! :D aydein pon dok tak stable lagi u. dok jatuh2 lagi. pastu bila dah jatuh kadang2, dia nak cepat, dia merangkak je teros! bole tak??? :P itu la. i tak saba nak tunggu part kejar aydein dkt shopp complex! hehe. must be fun kan! ;)
yeah, i havent been able to update that regularly lately. ni dah dpt mood balik. keep a lookout! btw, welcome back! ;)
nadine :
awww thanks auntie! :) :) and ure right. i pon rasa salah satu sebab aydein ni lambat jalan is because dia manja lah. ade je org nak mengangkat dia. tapi bila bab mengomel, adeee je benda nak keluar dari mulut dia :P takpe lah, whatever it is, he has reached all the standard milestones, and like u said, alhamdulillah, mak lega you! :P
selamat hari raya!
irradil :
wow, cepatnya dina dah bole jalan! camana irra train kasik laju berjalan? mmg kurang mengangkat eh?
thanks for the reminder! betol, as they grow older, lagi mcm2 kita kene hati2 kan. selamat hari raya, irra! ;)
k riena :
itu la kak riena! masa tu dia actually mmg dah bole jalan. cuma dia malas nak practice. tapi ntah cemana tetiba, a few days lepastu, dia jadik sgt rajin practice berjalan pulak. baru dpt aura "raya" kot :P
gamba raya banyak. nanti ada masa tiqah upload dkt fb. ada sket dah tiqah upload dkt new entry di atas :) gamba aydein dgn nawal aien dah share dah kan? ;)
semut :
yeay! thanks auntie ila! :)
wah aydein enjoy betul beraya ye :D canteknya semua pakai sedondon kaler ceklat tu (i mmg suka sgt kaler choc tone mcm tu, nice :D)
i dah lama teringin nak stay kat the northam tapi sampai la ni tak dan lagi huhu. nice eh?
btw, selamat hari raya thara & family! ;)
congrats to aydein on another milestone.. hehehe..
that's the beginning of fun (and troubles) ..
pinkerton :
sangat enjoy sampai kering pocket mama papa dia :P hehe thanks! oh northam was really nice. u should, and if ure around Penang, lemme know! bole i recommend tmpt makan best2 dkt situ :P
selamat hari raya to u and family too! ;)
worryfather :
thanks uncle lim! :)
hahahaha! baru tgk video nie. comelll gilerrrrr aydein jalaaaannn!!!
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