Aydein has acquired a new skill at 4 months plus which really gave me that pleasant surprise the first time he did it –
blowing bubbles!

He does this quite a lot nowadays.
He does it when he's happy, bored, even when he's upset about something! :P
I cant wait for more sweet surprises from him! :)
alololo..dia tersedu lah. comel betul dok bubbles mcm tu.nawal skrg suka jelir2 lidah. pasaipa ntah.
aaa aydein skang makin encem..bile la auntie leen dapat jumpe die~ hehe
kak riena : hehe amik gamba nawal masa dia buat camtu, nak tengok! :P
leen : tu laaaa. bila laaa auntie leen ni nak mai jumpa baby aydein ni. ;) lama dah die tunggu. :P
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