If there is a word that could describe my bestfriend's Wedding Reception last week, it would be : GRAND. They had a 3D2N event (not inclusive of the groom's side!) -- Friday, Saturday & Sunday. Friday was the Solemnization Day, Saturday was the Reception Day (for friends) and Sunday was the Reception Day (for families). Ain't that crazy! I've never been to a wedding that lasts that long!
I nearly could not make it for her Solemnization Day but managed to be there on time anyway, right before her Akad. Amy was stunningly beautiful that very day in her cream kurung modern and very glam makeup.

Then, after 7 years of joy and pain together, just with one lafaz, Amy is officially a wife! Tears of happiness streamed down her cheeks as well as her mum's, and I, for one, also felt this sudden rush of emotion washed over me. I don't know why, but it was like, wow, after all the tests, after all the heartaches, they still held on to each other till this very day! 7 years definitely is long, LONG time to pull it together okay. But this couple made it and I'm really proud of them! :)

The next day, we attended the event held in Royal Perak Golf Club as mentioned in their Wedding Website, built by Aien. Yes, that's my husband! :P
Amy was looking gorgeous in her dark brown kebaya as she walked down the red carpet, with her arm wrapped around Jan's.
The Reception was very well organized, very well planned, but one of the things that made it even more meaningful was the part where Amy and her siblings threw a birthday surprise that is not in the itinerary for their mum whose birthday fell on that very same day! It was so sweet, it brought tears to her mum's eyes as well as our eyes!

Oh and another one of the things that made Amy's Reception different to me that night was the Food Presentation. And I literally meant food-presentation. Before the rice were served to the guests, the room suddenly went dark and there were about 10 waiters & waitresses lining up on the stage, with a small candle placed on each of the bowl of rice that they were holding.
Then, all of them walked down the stage to their respective table, and only when the room was lighted up again that they begin serving the guests with rice. So well organized! Unfortunately though, I was so intrigued that I forgot to snap a photo of it so, many apologies! :P
I could not stay longer to attend the very last day of her event though, but from the pictures I saw from her FB, I can tell that it went very well as expected! :)

To my bestfriend, my sidekick Amy, again, congratulations on your Wedding once again! As they say, marriage is not only the beginning of a relationship but also the end of a life long search for the other half of your soul. So take good care of this sacred bond, and guard it as though it's your own life alrite? May Allah bless you two on this wonderful voyage, and last but not least, cepat cepat buat anak so you can join me (and all the other mamas) in the mama club! XOXO.
Wahhh cantiknye wedding kawan you ni!! i like every detail of the wedding.. esp the akad nikah! Rasa cam nak kahwin skali lagi la.. something like renewing the vows?? mcm la masa kahwin dulu ada buat vows pun kan.. hehehehe
To serious.. i loveeeeeee weddings!!
yet another wonderful entry! am speechless. from the bottom of my heart.."THANK YOU".
nurul aima :
me likey likey too! :D
thanks for dropping by! ;)
anne :
tu lah u! tapi kalau attend the real event, lagi meletops tau! everything was very well organized! :D
true! i love weddings too myself! tapi kalau buat 2nd round, rasanya songket i dulu boleh rabak kot! :P
amy :
pleasure all mine, dear. i wish nothing but the very best for you, and remember, banyak2 bersabar tau! :D now cepat buat baby! :P
everythings perfect and well managed!congrats to ur bff!
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