The only thing that gets updated regularly is my Twitter account, because it allows me to give out (and receive) short, timely messages, just like SMS. I would love for every one of you to have an account too, because then we can share tweets (and updates) with each other, frequently! :)
So this is my short, timely update to all of you, just because I miss blogging so much. Until then, stay glued for a new entry from me (though I don't know when!).
patut laaa lama menyepi..
babe we miss u too...;)
cepat2 update entry!
I can hear you, babe!! :)
yeah, me too missing your writing, here. Bila-bila free update k. :)
Tharaaaaaaaaa, rindu nak baca your entry, rindu nak tgk gamba Aydein!
But I understand, its year end..sume org bz. I'll wait tho :)
p.s: I tak reti la bertweet tweet nie =(
semut :
yeah, been too occupied! tapi dah berjaya update a new entry! chekidaut! :D
nadia :
aww, so nice for u to say that! sebab u ckp mcm tu, ive updated my entry! chekidaut! :D
nuurill :
aww thanks babe. i pon rindu gila nak blogging and blog hopping. at last dpt juge carik masa to update blog yang bersawang ni. cerita pon hampir nak lapuk dah. haha. chekidaut! :D
nadine :
yeah tu la i think it's the year end. tapiiii the good news is, ive finally got the time to update my blog! chekidaut! :D (whats me with chekidaut checkidaut la? haha).
ps : alaaaa just sign up an acc, u'll get the hang of it! :D
Thara, I dont miss blogging. I just dont have the "mood" to blog. I guess I am not into writing but I still have courage to blog sbb fikirkan nanti fikirkan anak2 boleh baca kisah parents in future. But you have to continue blogging because I just love to read your blog, Thara. kadang-kadang jadi silent reader, sbb tak sempat nak comment! Go Thara go!
huspa :
aww thanks babe. ure too kind! :) i will, and i hope u will continue to write too sbb i pon suka baca ur blog! :D
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