Aydein was sleeping soundly, and I was mumbling something to Aien when he suddenly threw his arms around me and said,
"Happy birthday, sayang. Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, jadi isteri yang solehah, mama yang baik, and selalu dengar kata suami (yes, he just HAD to add the last bit!)," and kissed me on the forehead. heehe.
I was puzzled for a moment, then looked at my watch immediately -- it was 12.03am. April 19th 2010. Oh goodness, it's my birthday! and I totally forgot about it! Seriously, with all the madness going on in my life nowadays, it's hard to pay attention to these little things in life. Anyway, no, nothing happened after that, mind you. :P We just went to bed, and I prayed a silent prayer to Allah, thanking Him for another wonderful year bestowed upon me. Looking at Aien and Aydein who was still deep in his slumber, I cant thank Him enough for blessing me with this good life, and the wonderful people around me. I dozed off immediately.
Morning came, and there were a few messages left unopened in my inbox. Among them were messages from my dad and my mum.
"Assalamkm wbt. Many hapy rtns of d day! May Allah bles u wth happiness & jannah! Love, Ayah" ; Yes, trust my dad with all his shortforms. :P And another one from my mum,
"Many happy happy returns of the day. Waa.. 25 today !! May Allah bless u with good long healthy life n happiness always." ; Yeap, and that's my mum. The ever so loving & jovial mum. We're like the
Gilmore Girls. Anytime I'm on the phone with her, my friends would go like, "Was that your
mum or your friend on the phone? You talked to her like she's your BFF!," Indeed. She IS my "bestest" BFF, and we are THAT close to each other, I cant imagine life without her.
Anyway, unfortunately, the day didn't start very well. Luckily there was a luncheon thrown by my new colleagues to save the day :D We thought hard of where to celebrate, but eventually agreed on a place that is perfect for the event --
Tony Roma's!
The purple couple at Tony Roma's
It was such a lovely celebration. Everybody was there to celebrate my meaningful day. What made it even
more meaningful was the fact that there was another girl in the office celebrating her birthday on the
very same day -- Fareeza! Yes, the very bubbly and lovely Fareeza also turned a year older the very same day! :D Aries babies we are, people, Aries babies! :D So yes, it was a double celebration! :D
Being the thoughtful girl that she is, she got us all cupcakes that she brought from home! Lovely, aren't they? :D

Oh and we both got a special gift each from the the very thoughtful CEO too :D That's me with my gift!

L'occitane skincare set
And the meal. Ooh the meal! Seriously, I think italian foods in general are made in heaven. Needless to say, they were simply scrumptious!
The birthday girl's meal - Short Ribs with Shrimps!
And then, to my surprise, the Tony Roma's staffs came out, out of the blue, with two small cakes in their hands, while singing a birthday song out loud for me and Fareeza! It was simply overwhelming (and embarrassing)! :P It seems that any birthday girl/boy will be given with a maximum of
2 free desserts at Tony Roma's! Cool eh? :D
The shy birthday girl with her surprise chocolate cake dessert :P
Thanks to Mr Husband, we also had a great time indulging ourselves with the jelly cake that he bought at
Q Jelly earlier. How sweet of him, no? :)

jelly-cutting ceremony
Needless to say, the lunch ended well. We had a blast stuffing ourselves with the scrumptious food and camwhoring here and there. Hehe. More photos will be uploaded in my Facebook.
Group photo! (Click on picture for larger view)
And then, it was time for a celebration with the Little Family. We did not celebrate my birthday on the same night -- I spent
a lot of time sulking over it. Yes, 25 today but still not behaving like one. What to do lah, I am a baby at heart! :P But Aien decided to make it up to me the very next day.
He brought us three to a restaurant in Petaling Jaya, called
Kokopelli Travellers Bistro -- world-class food at affordable price! The restaurant is actually a residential home converted into a restaurant, so you can expect some coziness inside. I love the place and been there twice, so Aien thought it was a great idea taking me to the place that I would actually enjoy. And he was right -- it was a great idea indeed!
Did you know? They were also previously featured in Jalan-jalan Cari Makan.I enjoyed each and every savoring moment there, partly because it was different this time -- we've got another additional companion that came along with us that night : the handsome boy!

I had a hard time choosing for the right food because everything in the menu sounded so delicious. But I settled with Kokopelli's signature lamb shank (1st picture) instead, while Aien had his Beef Cambole (or something like that ; 2nd picture). :P

Needless to say, the food is simply fantastic! Personally, I like Kokopelli's lamb shank better than Secret Recipe's. Oh and the Little Monster also had something to stuff himself!

Kokopelli's homemade garlic bread
When we were done with our meal, it was time for another round of (this time) cake-cutting ceremony, with the little one! Look how amazed he was, looking at the beautiful cake and brightly lit candles!
Aydein : WOW, look at the cake & candles, ma! SO BEAUTIFUL!
Me : Uh-huh yes Aydein, I've been blowing candles for 25 times now already..
I have this thing for buttercream cakes, I dont know why! Give me a cheese cake and it will take me weeks to finish em. But get me a buttercream cake, and I will gobble them up like a cookie monster! Weird eh? I guess like I said, there's a child underneath this 25 year old soul :P

It was indeed a birthday I would remember despite all the madness that happened throughout the whole time. At 25, I have almost everything a girl could wish for -- a good job, a loving husband, a super active son and two very supportive families. What more can a girl ask?

Of course, life is not always rainbows and butterflies, but then again, life without challenges is just like curry without spice -- no "oomph"!
That's when I know, I am blessed. :)