1. It's a girl!
For one (and one obvious reason), I'm carrying a girl this time! So that makes my second pregnancy a whole lot different (and more fun!) because I get to fantasize about what to dress my girl in -- tutus, headbands, floral tops, pink polkadots, frills, laces and ribbons! The list goes on and on! :D

2. Headaches/Migraines
Unlike my first pregnancy which was smooth-sailing, this time around, I had to battle with migraines almost everyday during my first & second trimester. It only got better as I entered the 5th-month of pregnancy, so you can imagine how tormenting it was for me :(
3. Melaram mommy
If I only had one favorite outfit (or "uniform" as I like to call it) that I wear everytime I go out when I was carrying Aydein that it made my elder sister SICK (hehe), this time around, I'm all about dressing up & makeup! I even got myself a few new pregnancy outfits. Check this out!
Last time.
This time.
4. Sweet tooth
Another obvious difference for my pregnancy this time around is my liking for sweet-things! I've always had a sweet-tooth but this pregnancy just amplifies it even more! Unlike last time when I would go for sour things like tom yam, every now and then now, I'll need my sweet fix or I'll be a very grumpy pregnant lady ;p

5. Nausea
Although I don't have morning sickness, this time around, I do feel nauseous every now and then especially during the first trimester. And sebab loya-loya ni jugak lah, somehow, I dapat rasakan I will get a baby girl before I even found out that it's indeed a girl. (Sebab masa Aydein dulu tak rasa apa langsung!). Talk about mother instinct! ;P
6. Bigger tummy
At 8 months, my tummy is noticeably bigger than it was last time too! It's so huge, that people kept asking me if I might be carrying twins, maybe triplet! Hehe. Checkout the progress of my baby bumps ;)
8 weeks
19 weeks
29 weeks
34 weeks
7. Severe backpains
Due to my very big tummy, at 8 months, it makes walking sometimes painful too, especially at the pelvic bones. It does not help that my back (especially near the spinal cord) is always throbbing. Some suggest that I get myself pregnancy belt to support my growing tummy, tapi haihhhh.. malasnyaaa nak carik/beli. Lucky thing I have Mr Husband who's ever so kind to help massage my back whenever I need them. :) Thanks sayang, I love you long time! <3>
8. More prepared
Due to my experience with Aydein, this time around, I know what to expect, what to buy and what to get even before the baby is out. And I ended up getting...

9. Can't sleep well
I'm not sure why they say boys are usually more active than girls, because my unborn baby girl kicks a whole lot of storm even more frequent than Aydein did, as far as I can remember! In fact, she's so active, it makes sleeping ever so difficult compared to last time!
10. Weight gain!
Ah, this is the best part. When I was carrying Aydein, I put on a whopping 20 kilos, thinking that it would make a big, chubby baby. But waddayaknow? Last-last Aydein keluar 2.75kg je! ;p This time around, I learnt that eating a lot does not guarantee a big baby, so believe it or not my weight gain up to this day is just 10kgs! Yeay! :P Doctor assured that my baby girl is growing well too, though so that's a double yeay for me, alhamdulillah! :P
However, some things do remain the same for both pregnancies (good and bad), like :
1. I have no morning sickness throughout both pregnancies, alhamdulillah
2. I have gestational diabetes during both pregnancies
3. I carry my tummy high, like I'm carrying a boy. So kata orang tua "kalau girl, perot lebor" tu tipu ler ;p
Let's see how the third pregnancy turns out like in the future, shall we? Eh jap. Third pregnancy? :P Last but not least, please do pray that everything goes well for me and my baby okay darlings? <3>