See I followed my colleagues out in a car to go to somewhere, and as I recall, I placed my phone on my lap. Once we reached my office building, being the clumsy me, I actually got up, totally forgetting about the phone and stepped out of the car, oblivious to my surrounding. Once we reached our office, the next thing I knew, my phone was gone.
I searched everywhere -- in my handbag, under the seat, in the dustbin, behind my laptop -- but I couldn't find it! Suspecting it might have dropped when I got down the car, I went down to search for it, but couldn't find it on the street. So I went up back to my office, and started panicking.
All the while some of my colleagues (Rina, Angie, JoAnn and Anne) were calling my number non-stop just to make sure it has not be stolen. They reassured me that my phone is still ringing, out there somewhere, and that I should keep on searching.
So I did. I went down back again, and asked my colleague to dial my number again. And then, I heard it! I heard this very faint familiar sound coming from.. under the pavement. I neared the sound, squatted down, and there it was! My iPhone under the seawage! It was so near yet so far! I could see it with my eyes, but my hand is not long enough to reach it!

And that's when it happened. Before that, let me stress on one thing. Malaysians really are a bunch of good people. We might be the biggest kepochi in the world, but definitely good at heart. Everybody there tried to help me out. Some, of course just stood there to watch.

At one point, there was so many people crowding the place, it felt like I was selling some minyak mujarab in Chow Kit Road or something. One by one tried to help me out. The more that tried to help me out, the deeper the phone went, until the phone was out of sight, and all I could see is pitch black!
I got even more frantic and even called the Bomba (fire brigade) to help me out! Like, seriously! They refused to help me at first, saying that they only help in cases that involve life and death. And at that point, my motherly instinct kicked in and I knew I had to do, say anything, to save my "baby"! I said, "Encik, this IS my life! If you could just send someone to help me over here, I would be eternally grateful to you. I'd even buy you and your guys lunch, I promise!"
See, I was desperate not just because that's a bloody iPhone that I cling on to every night and day in there. My life truly depended on it because all the important data, emails, and everything is in there! I'd be damned if someone got their hands on my phone!
I guess I must have babbled too much that the guy on the phone just cut me off and said, "Puan, kalau puan tak berenti bercakap ni, macam mana saya nak hantar orang saya tolong Puan?" AND I WAS OVER THE TOP! Hahaha. :P
The bomba actually came, but they didn't manage to do anything, because the next thing I knew, there was this Indonesian pakcik who actually went all out to help me, to the extend of opening the sewage concrete cover and going down into the drain to help rescue my phone!

After a few minutes, he came out of the drainage, all smiley and proud -- with my iPhone in his hand! He was the hero of the day! :D

See, that's one of the perks of having kepochis around you! They might just save your life! :D

Ps : I still can't believe I actually called the Bomba. Damn I'm such a drama queen!